Dr Josef Mengele is alive and well

Speak truth to power makes you more powerful than the monster Breathe once every five seconds or you die Connie Lim sings ‘I can’t keep quiet’ https://youtu.be/JCnexOFOxCo

Martin Page ‘The Door’ https://youtu.be/E_OvSoNcGBY

Nazi Germany gas chamber lesson with Dr. Josef Mengele to camp guards “Jews etc walk in the door, close the door turn on the hydrogen cyanide gas.  They die respiratory failure stop breathing 98% success rate” “Doctor some survive the gas?”  “Yes a few, mainly young children found under a pile of people, did not inhale enough gas. They are comatose and their hearts are beating” “Doctor what should we do in these cases?” Dr. Mengele “No rescue breathing as that will save them, finish them off with chest compressions”

Same USA, Canada and Europe millions trained using our tax dollars person is comatose, slow shallow breathing, blue coloured skin, making gurgling noises, pinpoint pupils deny rescue breathing give chest compressions a beating heart.  Some insane reason people follow the ‘Angel of Deaths’ instructions?  Children instinctively know any of the 100s of causes breathing emergency give rescue breaths they will not suffer a cardiac arrest.  Never give chest compressions to a beating heart that is torturing to death, self evident truth.

Cognitive dissonance – a strongly held belief MDs and the government are not mass murderers.  When confronted with the fact they are you will lie to yourself and others to protect this core belief.  Makes you physically and emotionally ill, speaking up removes the dissonance.

Suzanne Berliner Weiss speech her book release last sentence.  “Seek justice so we can breathe free again.”  (Holocaust to Resistance, My Journey)

One minute video explanation New York Times https://youtu.be/tlgS1PfO5ag

Hard copy New York Times

Comment approved by New York Times

Medical info breathing emergencies

Hal Newman Big Medicine

INCHEM Poison Monographs see Part 10 Treatment http://www.inchem.org/pages/pims.html
Protocol is ABCDE for Airway; B rescue breathing; Circulation (only if the heart is beating go to D otherwise begin CPR/ACLS (note)); Drugs (antidotes and continue rescue breaths); Evaluate for brain or organ damage cause oxygen deprivation.
Note ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support methods you not treating a simple ‘CPR’ cardiac arrest from heart disease prognosis poor

Psychological terrorism workplace harassment/bullying needless deaths stress increasing mental/physical illness drug use/misuse. Common quotes Police; Pharmacists; EMS; MDs and RNs while crying “I know they are increasing morbidity and mortality anyone who is alive with chest compressions and/or oxygen deprivation”

Cyanide 1

Cyanide 2

Cyanide 3


Grade two1

Grade six best


Comment vanessa mine

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EMN 2015; 37(12):31 http://journals.lww.com/em-news/Fulltext/2015/12000/Letter__Flaws_in_Toronto_s_Opioid_Overdose.14.aspx Article in the 2015 AHA & ILCOR guidelines 'Opioid OD' https://youtu.be/PX0HQuaNS_I

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